Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Ebola outbreak in Guinea may spread to Liberia


An outbreak of the highly deadly Ebola virus has been spotted in the west African country of Guinea, resulting in the death of 59 people so far. Sources state that it might soon spread to neighboring Liberia. Ebola is so deadly because it liquefies your internal organs, and if that doesn't kill you, then you will drown in your own blood. Ebola is similar to the HIV virus. It is an ancient retro virus that is originally found in monkeys. Since monkeys are consumed in Africa, the disease has spread to humans. This is the first time in 20 years that Ebola has been reported in west Africa. There isn't a cure or vaccine for Ebola, with mortality rates at 90%. Health officials are desperately trying to contain Ebola.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

5,000,000 gallons of raw sewage spills into Valley Forge Park creek



Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Coal Firm to Pay Record Penalty and Spend Millions on Water Cleanup in 5 States


One of the nation's largest coal firms, Alpha Natural Resources, is about to pay one of the largest pollution fines in american history. It will pay $200 million to reduce pollution in mines in 5 states; Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia and West Virginia. It will also pay $27.5 million for 6,000 violations of the Clean Water Act, the largest in its history. The udpated equipment should prevent about 36 million pounds of waste from getting into the enviroment. Many of these large energy companies have been under pressure since the chemical spill in West Virginia and the coal ash spill in North Carolinia. Its just that these companies should be paying higher fines, since they make billions of dollars a year. This is a start for prosecuting people who tear down mountains.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Potential new source of renewable energy found in humidity


An amazing potential new renewable source of energy has been discovered, it is the unused evaporating water. Generators will be driven, with the help of spores of bacteria, by changes in humidity from sun warmed bodies of water. The sheets of bacteria work like a pinecone, when it is dry the sheet curls up, and then returns to normal shape when humidity rises. Along with other existing renewables, this could solve the world energy crisis. This is the largest source of energy that earth has to offer, 70% of our earth is untapped energy waiting for this technology. No one has developed this technology yet, however it is quite promising.