Wednesday, May 7, 2014

U.S. Federal Government Amps Up E-Waste Reuse and Recycling

The U.S is the largest producer of e waste, producing 2.4 million tons of it. Many of these materials contain rare earth elements and poisonous metals such as mercury. However, the Federal government is getting more aggressive in the reduce, reuse, recycle campaign. There's a new law making the federal government more responsible for e waste. Incineration or dumping e waste into landfills would be no longer acceptable. Much money would be saved in the recycling of e waste.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

France moving away from Nuclear power

France is the world's most dependent country on nuclear power. It has a bold plan to reduce its huge dependency. By 2020, it plans to cut back 75% of energy produced by nuclear, to 50% nuclear energy. So where will this electricity com from, Narnia? France plans to invest in renewables. Wind in particular looks appealing to the French government. A poll was conducted and found that the majority of the French population favors the transition to renewables. Hopefully France can be a model to others how a major country and transfer from a nonrenewable, waste economy to a efficient renewable economy.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Forty-Four Years of Earth Day

Since the first Earth Day in 1970, much has changed since its first celebration. Alhtough we still face problems such as climate change, overpopulation and rising sea levels, much as been improved. For example, smog levels aren't as bad a forty four years ago. The reason is due to the fact that cars are more fuel efficient nowadays. Although much more could be done, like taking more trucks on the road and use civil disobedience against th oil companies roadblocks to fuel efficiency, the situation has improved. Fossil fuel per captia has decreased in America. Consumption has gone up, however so has the population and it has used less per captia. Rivers dont burn anymore, we recyle and endangered species have come back. We have many major challenges to go, however if we can take politics out of the equation and just act, there can be a substainable future.  

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

NSIDC, NASA say Arctic melt season lengthening, ocean rapidly warming

Grave news from the Artic. Global temperatures are already hammering the ice caps. Now with each passing decade, the melting season is an additional five days. Sea ice is also becoming thinner due to rising temperatures. The last seven Septembers have been the warmest on record for the Artic. In some areas, the melting season has increased from 6 to 11 days.  Due to more rocks being exposed to the sun, the rocks are warming up and adding to the melting of the icecaps. At this current rate, there might not be any ice in the poles in the near future.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Meeting climate targets may require reducing diet of meat and dairy

Climate change is predicted to raise the temperature of earth ny 2 degrees C. The main factors are deforestation and burning of fossil fuels. Hoever, what if I told you that eating more vegetables and less meat would assit in reducing CO2 admissions. Nitrous Oxide and Methane are two greenhouse gases more potent than CO2, and if these problems aren't fixed then their levels could doube by 2070. By eating more meat, there's a higher demand for cows, meaning more methane. Beef and lamb are the largest CO2 admmissioners. It looks like that the Bigmac is not only bad for your health, but also for your climate.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Ebola outbreak in Guinea may spread to Liberia

An outbreak of the highly deadly Ebola virus has been spotted in the west African country of Guinea, resulting in the death of 59 people so far. Sources state that it might soon spread to neighboring Liberia. Ebola is so deadly because it liquefies your internal organs, and if that doesn't kill you, then you will drown in your own blood. Ebola is similar to the HIV virus. It is an ancient retro virus that is originally found in monkeys. Since monkeys are consumed in Africa, the disease has spread to humans. This is the first time in 20 years that Ebola has been reported in west Africa. There isn't a cure or vaccine for Ebola, with mortality rates at 90%. Health officials are desperately trying to contain Ebola.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

5,000,000 gallons of raw sewage spills into Valley Forge Park creek


Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Coal Firm to Pay Record Penalty and Spend Millions on Water Cleanup in 5 States

One of the nation's largest coal firms, Alpha Natural Resources, is about to pay one of the largest pollution fines in american history. It will pay $200 million to reduce pollution in mines in 5 states; Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia and West Virginia. It will also pay $27.5 million for 6,000 violations of the Clean Water Act, the largest in its history. The udpated equipment should prevent about 36 million pounds of waste from getting into the enviroment. Many of these large energy companies have been under pressure since the chemical spill in West Virginia and the coal ash spill in North Carolinia. Its just that these companies should be paying higher fines, since they make billions of dollars a year. This is a start for prosecuting people who tear down mountains.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Potential new source of renewable energy found in humidity

An amazing potential new renewable source of energy has been discovered, it is the unused evaporating water. Generators will be driven, with the help of spores of bacteria, by changes in humidity from sun warmed bodies of water. The sheets of bacteria work like a pinecone, when it is dry the sheet curls up, and then returns to normal shape when humidity rises. Along with other existing renewables, this could solve the world energy crisis. This is the largest source of energy that earth has to offer, 70% of our earth is untapped energy waiting for this technology. No one has developed this technology yet, however it is quite promising.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

New Mexico Uranium Enrichment Plant to Address Two Apparent Violations

In New Mexico, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission has threatened to take actions against an uranium enrichment plant following two inccidents. The first incident was record-keeping mistake. It was an incorrect log of the mass of uranium in bottles undergoing decontamination. The incident was taken care of and minimal critical level was not triggered. This failure of something so simple as management is frigthening, considering the risks invovled with nuclear power. The second inccident occurred when bottles of the previous uranium were handled in a pleixglass box on a cart. 8 bottles were in critical mass and there weren't any saftey procedures to deal with the situation. The agency will make an enforcement date later. 

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Up to 82,000 Tons of Toxic Coal Ash Spilled Into North Carolina River

In Eden, North Carolinia, a stormwater pipe under a pond of coal ash burst, displacing thousands of tons of coal ash into the nearby Dan River. Duke Energy, the company who own the Dan River Steam Station estimates that up to 27 million gallons of water are now polluted. There has been a temporary solution to the problem, however a permenant solution is still being decided. Duke has 14 coal plants in the state, with 7 of them retired. Many people believe that Duke should clean up the polluntants. This is also not the first ashspill. The Tennesse Valley Authority accidentally spilled over a billion tons of ash spread out over 300 acres of land. The EPA is finallly processing laws about proper coal ash cleanup.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Gas company to drill in Manu National Park buffer zone, imperiling indigenous people

In Peru, the Peruvian government has approved for the drilling of gas in the buffer zone of the Manu National Park, which is home to indigenous people. The gas company, Pluspetrol, has been highly reviewed and analyzed as well as effects of the drilling after meeting approval. There has been repeated criticism from the indigenous and society. Seismic tests have been outlawed in indigenous native areas, however been approved for most of the area. There will be 18 exploratory wells in six different locations. Unfortunately for the native group, the Nahua , could become devastated or possibly extinct because of this action.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Oil production in Greenland? Maybe not

Due to receding ice levels in the Artic, oil and gas companies have been clamoring in order to tap potentially 1/4 of the world's oil reserves. There was found to be oil in Greenland. However,, no one as applied to drill, which will be due by February 1. This is the third year in a row this has occurred. The potential huge reserves are in the Northwestern part of the country. Even with the retreating ice, conditions for drilling re still too extreme. Hopefully Greenland remains this way.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Colorado River Drought Forces a Painful Reckoning for States

The Colorado River is being seriously threatened by man. Within the foreseeable future, there is a chance the Colorado River will dry up. A 14 year draught unlike any other is suffocating the region. Reservoirs are falling, clear blue water turned to sluggish brown and canyon rock displaying the depleting levels. Authorities are going to decrease the amount of water into Lake Mead to attempt to assist the Colorado. It is also suggested that water rationing can begin as soon as 2015. Subsidies are being provided to low water use appliances and green lawns are being ripped up. An almost billion dollar tunnel is being made since the previous two tunnels are becoming dry.Climate change is also making the region drier. The southwestern U.S. will surely be a battleground for water.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Climate Change Could Cause Deepwater Die-Off

It is an undeniable fact: climate change is destroying the world's oceans. We all know that warmer temperatures are bleaching coral reefs. However, new evidence indicates that climate change is killing creatures that live 4 miles below in permanent darkness. As a result of climate change, fewer nutrients are reaching the bottom, an area of already scarce resources. A massive die off of sea cumbers, worms, and sea urchins is bound to happen by 2100 if current admissions are consistent. Good news is that the exotic clams and tube worms that were discovered do not require nutrients. However, there are many undiscovered species unknown to science and their role on this planet might be lost before it is found.