Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Forty-Four Years of Earth Day

Since the first Earth Day in 1970, much has changed since its first celebration. Alhtough we still face problems such as climate change, overpopulation and rising sea levels, much as been improved. For example, smog levels aren't as bad a forty four years ago. The reason is due to the fact that cars are more fuel efficient nowadays. Although much more could be done, like taking more trucks on the road and use civil disobedience against th oil companies roadblocks to fuel efficiency, the situation has improved. Fossil fuel per captia has decreased in America. Consumption has gone up, however so has the population and it has used less per captia. Rivers dont burn anymore, we recyle and endangered species have come back. We have many major challenges to go, however if we can take politics out of the equation and just act, there can be a substainable future.  

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